• Dermatology constitutes a large percentage of the daily caseload in small animal practice and can represent a challenge for the busy practitioner, as many different diseases have similar presenting signs. For this reason, a structured understanding of how to approach a dermatological case is essential for a successful outcome.

    The 4th edition of the BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Dermatology has been completely updated, chapters have been expanded and structurally divided to include the management of specific diseases and common dermatological cases, such as ectoparasite infestation and its treatment and prophylaxis, atopic dermatitis and its management, superficial and deep pyoderma and their treatment, feline-specific conditions and their management, autoimmune and immune-mediated diseases and a targeted management, etc. New chapters have also been added to this new edition, such topical treatments, nutrients of the skin and regional dermatoses.

    The manual begins by providing the reader with a grounding in examination and investigative techniques, including a new chapter on cytology. The second section focuses on a problem-oriented approach to common dermatological conditions and their management. The final part of the manual covers the major skin diseases of dogs and cats.

    1. Foreword

    2. Preface

    3. Ch1 Structure and function of the skin

    4. Ch2 History, examination and initial evaluation

    5. Dermatological history form for a dog

    6. Dermatological history form for a cat

    7. Ch3 Core investigation and laboratory techniques

    8. Ch4 Cytology

    9. Ch5 Dermatopathology

    10. Ch6 An approach to pruritus

    11. Ch7 Ectoparasite infestation – clinical presentation

    12. Ch8 Ectoparasite infestation – treatment and prophylaxis

    13. Ch9 Atopic dermatitis and food-responsive dermatosis

    14. Ch10 Management of pruritus and atopic dermatitis

    15. Ch11 Allergy testing and allergen-specific immunotherapy – a practical approach

    16. Ch12 An approach to scaling

    17. Ch13 An approach to papules and pustules

    18. Ch14 An approach to erosios and ulcerations

    19. Ch15 An approach to nodules and draining sinus tracts

    20. Ch16 An approach to disorders of pigmentation

    21. Ch17 An approach to focal and multifocal alopecia

    22. Ch18 An approach to canine symmetrical alopecia and management

    23. Ch19 An approach to otitis

    24. Ch20 Management of otitis

    25. Ch21 An approach to superficial and deep pyoderma

    26. Ch22 Management of superficial and deep pyoderma

    27. Ch23 An approach to feline-specific conditions

    28. Ch24 Management of feline-specific conditions

    29. Ch25 Dermatophytosis

    30. Ch26 Malassezia dermatitis

    31. Ch27 Topical treatments

    32. Ch28 Autoimmune and immune-mediated skin disease

    33. Ch29 Management of autoimmune and immune-mediated skin diseases

    34. Ch30 Subcutaneous, deep and systemic infections

    35. Ch31 Nutrients and the skin

    36. Ch32 Actinic (solar) dermatoses

    37. Ch33 Regional dermatoses

    38. Ch34 Neoplastic and paraneoplastic syndromes affecting the skin

    39. Index

    40. Back cover

  • Hilary Jackson, Dermatology Referral Service, Glasgow, UK.

    Rosanna Marsella, Associate Professor of Veterinary Dermatology in the Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, University of Florida, College of Veterinary Medicine.
